NYHED 05.02.20

Competition: Linnanniemi area in Turku

The Finnish Association of Architects are holding an open international idea competition for the Linnanniemi area Turku.

Linnanniemi area

The Finnish Association of Architects are holding an international idea competition between the 9th of January and the 21st of April 2020. The competition will be organised for the area comprising Turku Castle, its surroundings and the western bank of the mouth of the Aura River in order to find a comprehensive overall idea as well as versatile development options for this historically and culturally important area.

The cape surrounding Turku Castle has always been a gateway to Turku and Finland. Many new things and ideas have arrived in Finland through it, gaining a foothold here and settling down to stay. And vice versa, as many a person has taken the same route from Turku to the archipelago and gone out to the world with their ideas.

For over 700 years, the castle has guarded this gate, monitoring those arriving in and departing from Turku. The new plans will provide the imposing castle with a surrounding area befitting its value.

The unique history and the maritime nature of Linnanniemi area are important features in the construction and planning of urban public spaces. The future area of Linnanniemi will be a centre of year-round urban culture where you can simultaneously experience the history, the sea and the most beautiful archipelago in the world.

The competition is organised by the City of Turku in collaboration with the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) and the Finnish association of Landscape Architects (MARK).

Read more about the competition and find the additional materials.

Filtrér: Arkitektforeningen


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