CAFx Film Mosaic (vol 1-2)

Igennem 4 år har CAFx fokuseret på, hvordan man kan bygge og planlægge med inklusion for øje. I år har CAFx haft et tæt samarbejde med partnere i hhv. Azerbaijan, Armenien og Georgien om at adressere social og miljømæssig retfærdighed og bruge kameraet til at undersøge og formidle de gode eksempler på dette i vores byggeri og planlægning. 25.-26.05.2024


Still from "Tales from the Soil" by Mariia Solodiankina




Cinemateket, Gothersgade 55, 1123 Copenhagen

Arrangeret af:


For 4 years, CAFx has focused on how to build and plan with inclusion in mind. This has been done through, among other things, a short film competition that culminated last year with more than 340 submissions from around the world on the subject, as well as a wide range of continued film and architecture workshops around the world.

This year, we have had a close collaboration with partners in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia to address social and environmental justice, and through the camera lens, to explore and convey the good practices of this in our construction and planning.

Short films, introduction, and possible discussion about the films last a total of 105 min. and will be in English.


Social Equality and Urban Safe Spaces

Discover LGBTQI+ filmmakers’ perspectives from Armenia and Azerbaijan in ‘Social Equality and Urban Safe Spaces,’ investigating the intersection of urbanism, minority expression, and LGBTQI+ rights.

What is the relationship between intersectionality and urbanism? And what is it like to live in a political reality that limits the existence and possibilities for expression of minorities? Experience 10 short films by Azerbaijani and Armenian filmmakers who identify as LGBTQI+. The screening will be followed by a discussion about LGBTQI+ rights and body politics in relation to architecture and urban planning and we invite you to participate!


  • Venezia Minore / Francesco Pasinetti, 1940 / Italian language / English subtitles / 15 min.
  • In the Street / Helen Levitt, 1948 / English language/ 16 min.
  • Le Ballon rouge / Albert Lamorisse, 1956 / No dialogue / 34 min.
  • Skrammellegepladsen / Sune Lund-Sørensen, 1967 / Danish language / English subtitles / 11 min.


Environmental Equality and Urban Ecosystems

Experience a curated selection of short films addressing environmental justice and biodiversity in urban environments, followed by a conversation on bio-inclusive design solutions for cities.

What are the conditions for the more-than-human life forms in our cities? And how can we develop bio-inclusive design solutions within the built, grown, and planned environments? Experience 10 short films by Georgian and Copenhagen-based filmmakers addressing these questions.

The screening will be followed by a discussion on how we can build and plan our cities with biodiversity and inclusion of the more-than-human in mind.

ENTRANCE FEE: 30 kr. for members of CAFx Community and Cinemateket

Filtrér: Arkitektforeningen


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