WA(L)KING COPENHAGEN: Kalliopi Siganou

Metropolis har inviteret 100 kunstnere til at skabe 100 vandringer gennem København i løbet af 100 dage. – som en dagbog fra en storby, hvor corona-krisen sætter dagsordenen og har ændret vores dagligdag radikalt.


23. maj kl. 06.00-18.00


Mødested: hjørnet af Prags Boulevard og Raffinaderivej kl. 13.45

Arrangeret af:


23. maj: Kalliopi Siganou
Danser / koreograf


What does it take to re-stitch the relational fabric of the city?

During the 12-hour walk, I will visit places known and unknown within Amager and its surroundings. I will gather sensorial memories along the way informed by the current relationship of bodies, their rhythms, dynamics, constantly adjusting figurations and formations to an unpredictable future.

Every hour, every distance walked, every new point of arrival will be the base for a bodily expressed archive of new memories created from and with the public space. Memories shaped through the new conditions of our everyday existence.

I invite you to re-imagine the city during a silent walk together, along one part of the old railway “Amagerbanen”. An invitation to create new rhythms, new shared times, which we can use to orient ourselves in the fast pace of change.

We will walk together, keeping the necessary distance in between us on the basis of our awareness and responsibility towards each other. We will follow the still existing rails of “Amagerbanen”, but also the pathway of the no longer existing railway.

This walk invites you to look more closely at the urban landscape, details in places that you may pass every day without noticing. During the walk you might discover unusual, hidden or new aspects of the city. Buildings, sounds, movements, architecture, landscapes are places that hold collective memories, yet to be re-imagined. You are invited to an exploration with the help of your imagination. The experience of the walk will last approx. 1 hour.

We have entered a new era, a constant waiting for the unknown. Our bodies and the body of the public space have been influenced by the exceptional present and new territories are manifested in the way we move and are being moved.

Kunstnerne afsløres 10 dage af gangen.
Program 21.-30. maj:

21. maj: Lina Hashim
22. maj: Valentine Tanz
23. maj: Kalliopi Siganou
24. maj: Nana Francisca Schottländer
25. maj: Elise Bjerkelund Reine
26. maj: Kenneth A. Balfelt
27. maj: Christian Rønn
28. maj: Tomas Lagermand Lundme
29. maj: Marie-Lydie Nokouda
30. maj / dag: Molly Haslund
30. maj / nat: Gianluca Elia

Hver kunstner går i 12 timer og starter hjemmefra. Hver hele time giver de livstegn via live-stream.

Du kan tilfældigt møde kunstnerne i byen, eller måske bliver du inviteret med, når de vandrer afsted i 12 timer hver – i opsigtsvækkende kostumer, med musikinstrumenter eller et telt på ryggen og med et kamera på en selfiestang, så de hver time kan sende ’livstegn’ til alle bag skærmene.

Livstegn live-streames hver hele time i vandringens 12 timer. Det kan være en personlig fortælling, en improviseret performance, et skrig i stilheden, en elektronisk lydmur, fotos taget undervejs, et haikudigt, en installation med indsamlede objekter, en social koreografi med de tilstedeværende, osv.

Live-stream hver hele time på facebook

Wa(l)king Copenhagen præsenteres af Metropolis – performance og kunst i byens rum, og de 100 kunstnere kurateres i samarbejde med AFUK, Arkitektforeningen, Copenhagen Contemporary, Dansehallerne, Det Frie Felts Festival, Fotografisk Center, Poesiens Hus, Råderum, Skræp og Third Ear.

Filtrér: Arkitektforeningen


Se 12 mere +


Se 12 mere +


Se 12 mere +


Se 12 mere +


Se 12 mere +


Se 12 mere +


Se 12 mere +